Higher Education Undergraduate Admission Test 2023
The Higher Education Commission (HEC) Viz Education Testing Council (ETC) will conduct Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT) for admission at the undergraduate level in universities operating all over Pakistan. The USAT is designed on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) pattern and covers all known disciplines of Engineering, Medicine (Allied Health), IT, Management and Social Sciences at the undergraduate entry level. The students after qualifying respective USAT would stand eligible to all relevant universities like the SAT and for undergraduate scholarships of Hungary, etc.
Who can Apply for USAT?
Students who have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) or Grade 12 education/ equivalent. • Students who have appeared in the final examination and are awaiting results.
Which USAT Version to Apply for based on Academic Streams?
The USAT test will be conducted in the following six categories based on relevant academic streams. Students should register accordingly:
USAT Passing Score: Any score equal to or above 50 will be considered as a qualifying score. The maximum score is 100. Test Breakup/Marks Distribution The detailed breakup of tests and marks distribution for all the USAT versions is available at: https://www.hec.gov.pk/english/HECAnnouncements/Pages/CW-HEC-USAT.aspx Proposed Test Schedule Test is held on a quarterly basis in the major cities of Pakistan. However, more tests can be arranged if need be.
How to Apply for (USAT)
1. Visit the following link http://etc.hec.gov.pk for online registration.
In case of difficulty during online registration, visit https:/ /onlinehelp.hec.gov.pk/. –
Only SUBMITTED applications will be considered for USAT Test and applications in SAVE or INCOMPLETE mode will not be entertained.
Test Fee of Rs. 1750/- is to be deposited via 1Link 1Bill Invoice participating Banks/ATMs/Internet Banking/Mobile Banking/Easypaisa/JazzCash/Upaisa.
Once you have selected 1link 1bill Invoice payment service. Open /sign-in to your mobile app and click on Bill payment or payment services (as per your mobile banking app options).
Click on 1Bill Invoice payment services and enter the consumer number generated by the ETC portal. Once you see the details, pay the amount.
After depositing the fee through 1link 1Bill Invoice, click on Verify Online Payment on ETC Dashboard.
The test fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
The candidates must get queries/complaints resolved before the closure of the web registration portal. Queries/complaints handling beyond the registration deadline is denied by the system due to logistics/security reasons.