Labour Welfare Balochistan Scholarship 2024
Director General Labour Welfare Balochistan is offering scholarship to the children of laborers in the province. Scholarships will be provided to the 2 children of the labourers who are working in the organizations registered with the directorate.
All those industrial and commercial establishments of Balochistan who are paying regularly under the Balochistan Education Cess Ordinance 1972, the employees of those establishments who have 2 children studying are hereby informed that for the financial year 2023-24 Applications for child scholarships are wanted. The children of workers and laborers of all industrial and commercial establishments who are under education must get the Form 1-E confirmation of the scholarship from the concerned educational institution, school, college, university and the head of the institution.
Write the address clearly and prominently. Scholarship applications received incompletely and after the due date will not be entertained. Therefore, all institutions should submit the applications by filling the following information. A letter has been sent to the institutions.
- Father’s Computer ID Card
- Birth Certificate of NADRA or (B Form) or (Family Registration)
- Previous School Pass and Confirmed Result Card
- Bank Account Number of Worker’s Organization
- Verified form (1-E)
by the institution through the concerned institutions to the Directorate General of Labor by 15 March 2024